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Email: xczou [at] connect.hku.hk


Jan 2024    We release the  first comprehensive survey about multimodal DL in Urban Computing!  Link.

Jun  2023   I'll join CityMind Lab as a new member. Thanks Dr Yuxuan for his appreciation!

Jun  2023   Our team JBOT Limited began to be supported by HKSTP Ideation & Incubation Programmes.


May 2023   I started to work as an intern research assitant in Hong Kong Center for Construction Robotics (HKCRC).

Dec. 2022   I joined the Data Acquisition& Analysis Laboratory, HKU as an research assitant supported by HKSAR.

Jun.  2022   I graduated form WHU with distinction!

May. 2021 We won the national second prize in Structural Design and Information Technology Competition.


Awards & Honors

2022      Outstanding  Graduate; Wuhan University
2021      Second Prize of National Structural Design and Information Tec hnology Competition ; China Civil Engineering Society (CCES)   
2021      Outstanding Student; Wuhan University
2021      Excellent Student Scholarship; Wuhan University
2021      Excellent Student Cadre ; Wuhan University
2020      Excellent Student Scholarship; Wuhan University

Download my CV: Xingchen Zou CV.PDF